Economic, ecological, social and cultural sustainability form together sustainable forest management. In Finland, sustainable forestry has been practised for a long time, and we have high-level experts in the field. Come to the Forest Visit to meet best forestry experts in Finland.


  • Sustainable commercial forestry and forest bioeconomy
  • Sustainable timber harvesting, wood production and logistics
  • Forest management and forest planning
  • Biodiversity in commercial forests
  • Nursery tree production and forest regeneration
  • Peatlands and bog forests
  • Export industry, deforestation and reforestation

The concept development of the Forest Visit was funded by Metsämiesten Säätiö Foundation.

University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education HY+


The purpose of HY+ organization is to improve the future world and well-being of people through enhancing learning, knowledge sharing, and development.


UniVisits are targeted to professionals in diverse fields wishing to learn state-of-the-art know-how in their own area. Based on the expertise of the eleven faculties of the University of Helsinki, we design customised programmes to meet the needs of each visit group.

University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education HY+

P.O. Box 53 (Fabianinkatu 32)

FI-00014 University of Helsinki